Publié le 3 janvier 2018 - Par la rédaction

Eutelsat’internship : Market Research

At the heart of the convergence between the space, telecom and audiovisual industries, Eutelsat is a the third largest satellite operators broadcasting over 6000 TV channels worldwide. We are 1000 employees from 32 nationalities and serving hundreds of international clients in over 80 markets via 39 satellites.

Within the  Strategy Department you will support  the Head of Market Research with the TV Observatory, an established multi-country market research study and analysis on TV Reception modes  (for more information: #ETLresearch).

What will you do :

  • Desktop research and analysis of market data
  • Support with specific data needs to Strategy and Commercial Development in the Video line of business
  • Manage primary consumer research  project of  satellite TV reception in 11 international markets, in particular:
    • Update of guidelines documents on PAY actors in each country
    • Update of questionnaires and oversee the translation in the necessary languages
    • Liaise with market research firms and ensure good project management flow
    • Analysis of data
    • Compilation of country and regional reports
    • Ad-hoc  qualitative and quantitative research projects  (customer satisfaction, etc.)


You are :

Rigor and method, analytical mind, attention to detail, solid knowledge of the basic concepts of marketing and sales and good knowledge of IT tools (Powerpoint / Word / Excel) will be essential skills to fulfill the mission.

We are looking for a bilingual candidate English / French (all documentation handled and produced is in English)and knowledge of one or more additional languages is appreciated

Duration :

6 MONTHS MINIMUM – START AS SOON AS POSSIBLE (starting date negotiable)

If you are interested in this internship, please send your CV/resume  and a letter of motivation  by email to the following address:

A ne pas manquer
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