Publié le 24 août 2016 - Par la rédaction

ITUNES/APPLE MUSIC is looking for a new Movie, TV & Music editor Intern

iTunes/Apple Music is looking for a new Movie, TV & Music editor Intern, based in Paris.

Roles & Responsability : This position will work in the Movie/TV/Music editorial & business teams and support the reporting for editorial & sales. Based in Paris and reporting to the Movie, TV Music editors of iTunes Europe.

  • Assist promotional operations across Europe ;
  • Deliver prices & sales analysis ;
  • Support the editorial operations ;
  • Assist the programming ;
  • Make a market study of existing catalogues for TV & Movie ;
  • Handle the iTunes Facebook/Twitter/Instagram pages

Candidate Profil :

  • Fluent in English ;
  • A strong academic record
  • High interest in Movie & TV &Music business ;
  • Strong knowledge in Excel and database applications ;
  • Excellent oral and written communication skills

The position is to be filled starting October 3rd based in Central Paris at Apple France offices on Place d’Iéna.

Contact :


A ne pas manquer
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